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Re: Libelous statements (Sun May 19 08:30:15 2002 )
lady_douji [View profile ]

And when did blueheave say something that was 
libelous?  He said that Anime Link has lied to 
consumers concerning backgrounds on cels and 
prove that they did.  He said that they've never 
proven to have exclusive right to the VHD cels 
and they haven't beyoud saying that they do.  He 
said that they haven't provided any information 
on which cels were stolen and they haven't.   
Everything he stated is true, and the opinions 
based of those facts are his opinions and 
therefore protected by the First Admendant.

Blueheaven is doing nothing to defame Anime Link 
except exposed and talk about their business 
habits.  Are you going to try and claim that it's 
libel and illegal to expose and talk badly about 
some-one because it makes them look bad?  As much 
as big businesses and politicains would love 
that, there's a lot of people in the press who 
can easily dissuade you of that notion.

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