Well...I'm open about expressing how I feel, so
I'll let everyone know what I think, & you can
take to heart whatever you want out of this.
Please, let's try not to flame. If you disagree
with me or anybody else on this topic, feel free
to express your opinions, but leave the threats
& "flaming" aside. That just goes to show how
weak you may be with dealing in a mature manner
I've never purchased from Anime-Link before, or
do I know any gross details on the whole Vampire
Hunter D:Bloodlust legalities. All I know is
what I've read on this board.
I'd like to remind people just how many cels can
be used in an anime. Hundreds of thousands, &
sometimes maybe even millions of cels.
It is common knowledge in mass marketing of
goods that when you have such a massive supply it
is almost inevitable that you are going to lose
some of your stock. We all know that cels can be
stolen from the studios. For example Gainax's
cels. You know why this happens? There's a
market for them. It all boils down to supply, &
demand. "Money talks, & bullshit walks" in this
world no matter how much you want to admit it to
yourself or not. So, yes, some of the cels may
have been taken out of the studio by the artists
etc, so that they could then turn around & sell
them for a large profit. The BUYER may not of
known this to be a stolen good, & if he/she did,
then that will weigh heavily on their own minds.
But let me throw this idea out to you. Instead
of denying someone who used their hard-earned
money to buy a piece of art that they hold dear
in their collection, & prosecuting them...Why not
let them be & use the information they can give
you to trace it back to the ORIGINAL PERSON WHO
I mean...Seriously. That's like someone coming
out of the woodwork, & saying that your beloved
pet of 10 years of which you adopted as a stray
is rightfully theirs, & they demand by law that
you hand it over at once! What do you think you
would do? Hand over part of your family without
a fight? I think not.
This matter is a sticky one at the moment. Until
Rick provides us with official signed papers from
all parties this matter is in regards to, I see
no legal or moral right for him to come out &
make these claims. Dealers still have the right
to sell these cels.
I'd also like to see the official signed report
stating which cels have been stolen. That would
have been a massive amount of paperwork to be
done too. Writing down every sequence number, of
every scene in the entire movie...What if some
cels were lost or stolen when you were going
through the paperwork, & left unaccounted for?
What if your paperwork somehow got in disarray, &
cels you may have previously accounted for as
being legitamately sold suddenly roll over as
being stolen?
I think handing over exclusive rights to an anime
as far as cels go just prove to be a big headache
for everyone involved.
First of all, you must realized with so many cels
you may inevitably lose some, get some stolen, or
leave some unaccounted for. So, when one turns
up not as one you have previously sold, you go a
send e-mails to the owner/seller that it is
stolen property & you are to return it at once?
Don't make me laugh....Yeah...OK...I paid $1500
for this cel...& It took me 2 month salary to be
able to afford this...Sure...Why not!!! IT'S ALL
YOURS...FOR FREE!!!LOL!!! You must be joking!
Secondly, since Anime-Link has exclusive rights
to the movie...They also have exclusive rights to
decide the price of the cels...Guess what?
n 1: (economics) a market in which there are many
buyers but only one seller; "a monopoly on
silver"; "when you have a monopoly you can ask
any price you like" 2: exclusive control or
possession of something; "They have no monopoly
on intelligence" 3: (trademark) a board game in
which players try to gain a monopoly on real
estate as pieces advance around the board
according to the throw of a die [syn: Monopoly]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton
According to Princeton University...They're a
Monopoly. So, go ahead with all your other
definitions, but if what Anime-Link is saying is
true...Then they've just turned themselves upside-
I also think that the collecting community
doesn't really think highly of the whole control
of one series situation. One dealer being able
to control the market...That is just ridiculous.
Get with the program. Let the consumer decide
the price they want to pay for these cels. Let
the prices fluctuate up & down just like every
other cel business. Sell some of your "cash-
crop" at normal gross price, & let the market
take it from there.
I've never bought from Anime-Link, but I will say
They have some very nice cels that come into
their hands. Sometimes the prices they put up
are totally way above market value. Sometimes
there's someone out there willing to pay that
price...Inevitably driving the market on. But
that's to be expected. For Anime-Link to be
coming out into everybody's faces with this whole
Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust cel controversy has
tarnished their reputation with me. I'd like to
see them throw out a little bit more cels more
often on their website from VHDB instead of
keeping them all sitting in a stockpile
somewhere. I hope they find better means to go
about this.
But first, I think the entire cel community would
like to see cold hard proof that they own
exclusive cel distribution rights. Signed,
sealed documents. The real thing. No copies. I
would also like it all posted over their website
if it is in fact true to let the consumer know.
Until then, dealers, sellers...My hats off to
you! Keep those lovelies coming ;)~! |