Months ago I emailed Anime Link and asked them
about compiling a list of stolen cels. As I
recall from their reply, they said that some of
the cels were stolen while they were still in the
hands of the animators (i.e. still lying about in
the studios). According to Rick, this is a major
problem with Japanese cels. Many of them from
popular shows get stolen right at the studio.
{This is a really scary thought if true.)
I believe (again using what I recall from the
reply) that they said they also don't know
exactly which ones are stolen. They know what
they currently have (which will eventually bare a
mark of authenticity like the AIC stamp), what
they've sold, and what the studio gave away as
gifts. So I'm thinking (my own opinion/thoughts)
that if a cel pops up that isn't in one of those
three categories, it's assumed by Anime Link to
be stolen. It seems the "list" is really one of
omission ... so the general public may never
actually see one to verify if they've got
a 'stolen' cel. Personally, more than anything
else, I'd like to see some verification that
Anime Link -is- the sole distributor.
There's also another problem assuming that Anime
Link has exclusive rights and cels from the movie
were actually 'stolen' .... the whole question of
resale. There have been some VHD cels that pop
up on YJ and Ebay which were originally purchased
from Anime Link and can be resold without worry.
These cels are mixed right in with 'stolen'
ones. So how to tell? I emailed A-L about ones
I saw at YJ and the reply was basically that a
few were stolen and a few were legit (although I
never knew which were which). It seems that
authenticity of the origins of the cels has
become such a public thing, we're doomed to be in
a perpetual circle of ... is it 'stolen' ... is
it real?