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Re: Re: Hmmm... (Sun May 19 17:17:49 2002 )
Yann Stettler [View profile ]

> I wonder if you guys think that Rick Alonso is 
> just claiming to have the rights to the D cels 
> when he really doesn't and it is all a big 
> conspiracy.

No, of course not! :) But an exclusivity is not a 
law : it's a commercial agreement between a 
manufacturer of a produce and a distributor. It 
only mean that the manufacturer will only provide 
some produces to that given distributor and no 

It absolutly doesn't mean that others dealers 
don't have the right to sell the produces. It only 
mean that "the manufacturer should not sell to 

In the case of VHD cel, it's a fact that the 
studio released a couple hundred cels for 
promotional purpose. Even Mr. Alonso admit that.
How is anybody supposed to guess that a given cel 
is not one of those ?

And can't there be any other sources for cels ? 
Take a totaly hypotical situation in which an 
employee at executive level (which can make 
decision for the company) of one of the companies 
owning the cels decided not to respect the 
exclusivity (knowingly or not) and sell to some 
others dealers...
Such cels are not stolen. And it doesn't concern 
at all the dealers who buy them. That only involve 
the manufacturer and the person/company that get 
the exclusivity.

But naturaly this is a totaly hypotetical 
situation which can't have anything to do with the 
reality. Who would ever believe something like 
that may happen ? Just put this on the alcool I 
drunk at lunch...

Yann Stettler

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