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My take on the situation... (Sun May 19 07:38:02 2002 )
XoXoX [View profile ]

I've purchased many VHD cels from Rick and many 
from the Collection Mall and all I've got to say 
is that I'm VERY PLEASED with the purchases I've 
made! Some people seem to think that just because 
Anime Link has the majority of the VHD cels that 
they're price gouging the shit out of everyone. 
Well then, don't buy from him if you don't like 
the price! Personally I believe that the artwork 
on the cels is WELL WORTH the cost AND WILL KEEP 
BUYING FROM HIM. Look at what some other series 
are going for and make the judgement yourself. In 
my opinion I think that some of the prices for 
certain DbZ cels are utterly outrageous but if 
thats what some people are willing to pay then so 
be it. (Remember: VHD is an hour and ahalf long, 
THATS IT! Not many cels)  
 Maybe Ricks tactics of confronting Yann over 
stolen cels is a bit heavy handed but thats 
between them. As some posts have stated there are 
other ways to handle the situation; posting the 
stolen cel #s online is a good one. 
 I love the VHD cels and will purchase the ones I 
want from whoever is selling them---legitmitly.

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