Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
agreed (Tue Feb 19 23:04:27 2002
mouse [View profile
how many of you here have went and bought a show
at the store because you thought it looked cute
or well done or had a nice story...only to find
out you just spent 35$ on a two episode tape of
mindless babble that you wouldnt have taken if it
were free had you know it was so bad? ::raises
hand:: I think fansubs make money for the
licensees by letting fans know what's good and
what's not. Like with ANC...I saw that show all
fansubbed...and boy am I glad I did...because Id
be in alot of debt now had I bought the show...I
really didnt like it..::balks at the expensive
DVDs:: I like to see a show before I buy
it..same with music. I go to CDnow and listen to
the songs before I plunk out 20$ on the CD -_-. |
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