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???????? (Thu May 29 04:41:44 2003 )
piyo [View profile ]

I've seen fanart/fancels that I've liked, but to 
this day have never bought any. It simply goes 
beyond my moral boundries of art. You've made 
your choice, I've made mine.

However, you claim to have respect, or at least 
are thankful, for artists who make you fanart. I 
assume it's because you have no or little artist 
talents to do them yourself. And yet you have the 
nerve to insult Nathalie's artwork?? You may not 
like the subject matter, you obviously DON'T 
realize, or appriciate, the hard work that was 
put into that art, which is your right. But to 
disrespect Nathalie is such a crude fashion on a 
public forum, you've become one of those lowlifes 
you were whining about.

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