IF you are professional, make up your own stuff, don't
go snooping around, copying hard Worked, lots of
money paid cels and sell the damn so closely copied
thing on Ebay..
If you are a true "fan" cel artist or whatever, then you
should come up with your own image with your OWN
Lookie here, I am not saying any of you peeps copied
and sold on ebay or whtaever, TRUST ME I have seen
some of REally Freaking FAntastic cels on ebay. It just
freaking upsets some of the collectors when they see
the same freaking cel they paid hundreds of dollars for,
to be copied and sold on ebay.
What if you so called "fan" artist copy the image and sell
it? We dont' own the right to image? Of course STuDIO
OWNS RIGHT TO IMAge or whtaeva...
Shit..So you call yourself ArtIST??!?!?!? ROFLAMO~
dood, have some pride in yourself. I thought artists
are supposed to be creative, and respect their own
works. Dont' come and tell me you are professional,
OHHHH I AM offended...HAHa...when you go around
copy other peep's cels and sell it. Again did NOT say
that you did...
Lookie, I really do not care wtf you do, copy or
whatever, i dont' give a damn....All I have to say is don't
tell me you are professional or artist or whatever when
you can't be creative to create your own concept of
And so who the hell cares that some peep wanna be
annonymous because of your kind of peeps who just
looSE their fREAking minds and flame others...
Neways, 'FAn' Art is illegal on EBay. That's the FACt
And I agree with Yann Stettler.