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Fanart/ FanCel Auctions (Wed May 28 04:00:53 2003 )
Lydia Shapovalov [View profile ]

Why is it that when one person doesn't like 
fanwork or a seller who is into fanart and offers 
it on ebay, why do they harrass the seller to the 
ends of the earth? The seller is offering an 
original peice, not a screencap copy or 
illustration copy. One bidder is going around 
bidding and leaving negative feedback on sellers 
because they sell fan work items. Why don't they 
do it to Doujinshi's too? That's fan work and it 
is sold on ebay. Granted it is from Japan, but it 
is not 'official'. There are several commissions 
up on ebay and this bidder has been e-mailing all 
the other bidders on those auctions telling them 
to not bid, because it is a 'rip-off'. This 
person whose commission I am bidding on is really 
good. What can I do about this guy spamming 
bidders and hurting sellers? He is getting 
annoying and keeps spamming others who he has no 
business e-mailing. Every person bidding knows 
what they are getting, so why is he persisiting? 
Any help would be great. Thanks. 

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