I agree with Lady Brick.
I also think that this is a recurring problem with
fan cels altogether on eBay and elsewhere. Some
production cel collectors hate them like the
plague, because of many others that do in fact
copy cels and sell them for a profit publicly.
Most people do not have problems with commissioned
works, but it seems that the public forums,
markets, etc. tend to bring out the werewolf in
some collectors that hate them.
This is in no way meant to support the harassment
and ill behavior of the person mentioned, just to
point out that this has happened before and may
happen again as long as fancels, original or not,
are mixed in with anime production cels. Some
people have been damaged by fancel artists (i.e.,
stolen images, high-end image copying, etc.) and
this person might be one of those case, but that
is pure speculation on my part.
IMO, I think that possibly a better solution for
eBay to consider as well as other auction houses
is to separate production/reproduction cels from
fancels completely and place them into their own
respective auction category under "anime fan cels"
and not mix them in with production and
reproduction cels altogether. Maybe some of you
powerful eBayers could write some letters..I dunno.