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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fanart/ FanCel Auctions (Thu May 29 00:25:16 2003 )
Yann Stettler [View profile ]

Obviously you didn't understood a single things
of what I said. Oh, yes, I have some fanarts on my 
site but they are mostly original pictures even if 
showing copyrighted characters. They are not copy 
of existing pictures. And they certainly can't in 
anyway be confused with an original. They can't be 
used to cheat people by making them things they 
are buying a production cel or painting.

If you can't make the differance between an 
original picture and a forgery of an existing 
picture, you really have a problem.

> Which is totally ridiculous cause some of it 
> really sucks(no offense).

No offense really ? I pity you for making such 
comments. By the way, I am neither the author of 
those fanarts (I can't painting anything remotly 
recognizable) neither the person that fixed the 

I don't give a damn about what you buy. The simple 
fact that people can speak and advertise their 
fanarts on this forum show that I am not against 
it. What I am again is people who claim do be fan 
but does things that cause troubles or annoy other 
people on purpose when they could quite easly 
avoid it. I am also against people that outright 
steal other people by selling them things that 
aren't what they claim to be or that are 

So, please, do your whining elsewhere! If you have
a problem on ebay, complain to them. But please,
spare us! This is not ebay forum and this is not a
fan cel forum...

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