heh, another new fish enters the fold of the most
addictive...unforgiving hobby known to man...
[where people blow most of thier paychecks on
cels and then line up in the wellfare line for
their gov't cheese cause that's all they can
afford to eat heh I'm joking of course...er well
kind of :( ] At any rate Welcome! And I must say
that DBZ is a great series to focus your
collecting fever on...And yes Saiyan wolf does
has an AWESOME collection of DBZ (one of the best
in my humble opinion...as the jealousy pumps
through my veins >P ) So let me welcome you and
give you this bit of friendly advice...we may all
be nice and friendly to each other most of the
time...but when there's a cel update...heh then
it's every man, woman and child for
themselves!!! As our primal emotions
surfaces...Friendships are put aside...rivalries
begins...marriages anulled... that is until the
update is over and we all revert back to our
sweet friendly selves :) ok ok maybe not that
drastic...but you'll see what I mean...once again
welcome...and I look forward in seeing your
gallery if/when you put one up
tony |