i told him it was my maximum bid, i was the high
bidder for a couple of hours w/ my bid of 13,000
but was outbid by the previous person at 13,500.
as to what sawyer said about him being busy, i
knew from the start he would be flooded w/ orders
but what use is the deputy service if i cant use
it because of all the other orders? i think the
major problem is people having him to bid on stuff
as if it were ebay, people should really think is
the item worth the trouble and do they -love- it,
not have him bid on something they -like-. this
was my first time trying to use his service and i
didnt even bother thinking about it because these
cels have been on my wishlist for 3 years.
about the personal information tipping them off, i
dont think thats possible because i gave a
japanese address^-^
^^^^^^^but what use is the deputy service if i
cant use it because of all the other orders?^^^^^^
i dont mean to sound selfish, all im saying is im
sure a lot of people had him bid because they were
excited about getting their cels etc. off of yahoo
japan, i was going to do the same thing when i
heard of his service but decided to only get thing
s i -really -really -really wanted.
please tell me what you guys think. |