Hello, I have a Yahoo Japan ID (so I can
email people in Japanese) but I've had
trouble activating this account for bidding
on Yahoo Japan. I'm well aware of the all
the issues with Yahoo Japan that have been
discussed on this form (ad infinitum) so let
me state now that I only wish to bid on cels
listed by thewindy who I know ships overseas
and is active on this forum. My problem is
when I try to go bid on a cel, a confirmation
page comes up, and for some reason I the
characters appear as "@" type of things
instead of actual characters, so I do not
know what the first and second boxes are
asking for (there are two places where yahoo
asks for some information and then a third
box below for your email). If someone could
tell me what yahoo is asking for, I'd be very
If this has already been addressed, I'm sorry
for the repetition, but I was unable to find
any info on it in previous messages.