Yes...I got that "Private offer" the
same answer after I accepted...sorry sold to
bah...too bad it was such a "good cel" ;o)
its why I never consider getting a cel till its
actually in my hand.
even after the $ has been sent off, its still not
yours till its in hand.
On the other hand, there are several dealers and
collectors who have made better than average
offers, and come thru with flying colors.
Ying and Yang...the world of anime has its
balences too.
And lets not forget all of us collectors are not
perfect. I have seen several cels I have bid on
go unclaimed by the bidder. Or ordered and then
never bought. This is unfair to others who would
have liked to order it, as well as to the seller,
who in auctions is ofter still responcible for
costs of posting. This trend has been on the
increase lately. In fact I am getting into the
habit of contacting sellers, and telling them I
am more than interested if the buyer fails to
come through on a auction or order. And I've
picked up a few cels I thought were long gone
So both sides of this coin have their nightmare
stories, and we should all work to make it better
for all concerned.