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So you're saying it's ok to be ripped off (Mon Aug 2 19:02:21 2004 )
Chi [View profile ]

I assume you have a mail trail and can prove your 
allegations to the seller. If so, the seller is 
at fault and you should try to collect the full 
amount from the seller. 

Why would you let someone walk over you just for 
a hobby? A $thousand+ claim is rightfully yours 
and yet you are too afraid to fight for it. If 
you have become so addicted to cels, you need to 
quit because it's running you and not the other 
way around. 

Consider prioritizing what's really important in 
your life. If someone held the power of health, 
life, a loved one, or friend over your head, I 
would understand. But for future pieces of 
acetate that will probably drop in value...  

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