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"Comprehensive reading" needs practice here... (more) (Wed Jul 2 23:53:54 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

1. I yield about the screen cap. Your win.
2. I do fan cels. All you need is a few hours 
time, a calm hand and the materials. It's trace 
and fill. No big deal.
3. Yes, I may post. 'cuz a) I STOPPED, b) copying 
things in the past won't diminish my right to 
express my opinion, does it?
4. Name. I dun care. Forky is already a nick and 
nobody *is* a fork, neither a porc, which means - 
P or F, ain't matter. Call me Ogre-sama, Bore-
sama, yOure-seme, whOre-summer... All are just 
5. It's NOT mean: they do this for $, they do 
this alot, they can do better. A beginner or a 
kid would be a different matter due to the lack 
of experience.
6. I did the same damn thing. DID. I never said 
everything I do does NOT suck. My allowing a 
drunk pal to puke into the neighbour's garden did 
suck, my grades suck, my being late on purpose 
sucks. Everybody's actions "suck" every now and 
then. You're no exception, neither am I. Nobody.
7. "WHAT!?" - For the fun of it - I deserve a 
buttkick for my not passing the school year: 11. 
grade repeating. Ore-sama: my mock-haughty nick. 
Fish-gutter: I sell fish as a holiday job. And 
sometimes I'm asked to gut one. 

Sorry, I'm the positive kind. I smile at crash 
landings. I hate excessive admiration. I'm glad 
that at least on Animanga, I got none. Thanks so 
much ^-^
8. Whether or not you deal with me won't hurt my 
feelings. Yet, when commissioning someone, 
doesn't their work count more than their 
I'm full with commissions and I do have a life. 
But... aren't YOU needlessly responding too, 
quoting every phrase I typed? We're both wasting 
minutes of our lifes here. You'd better not 
lecture ME ;) 
Also, it does take guts to reply. You've perhaps 
not been in the situation, so maybe you don't 
know. When things get really hot, it takes a lot 
to reply.

Also, why hide behind screen names? My opinion 
isn't depending on my name. What I say will be 
the same. I dunno about others, but by picking a 
screen name, I'm not hiding, I just hate formality
(full real names)...
9. As for Forky's cels of Furuba - I still think 
they got pretty good. But that ONE cel this 
thread is about, sucks. I can still dislike 
people and like their work, and vice versa.
Also: I don't care about what people think about 
me. The only opinions I care for are those of the 
people useful or really dear to me.
As long as I feel good and useful to those I care 
about, to hell with opinions of people I don't 

As for what I said about Americans, we Europeans 
have to take the same shit from Americans, and WE 
do NOT play "World's most important Nation". I'm 
entitled my opinion. I don't hate the US, I don't 
hate most Amis I know. I only hate the attitude 
of patriots thinking their country is superior to 
others. Patriotic arrogance disgusts me. When I'm 
told by freaks, I should be jealous of not living 
in the USA, I think, "What and why the hell..." 
That kind of talk, you might understand, sickens 
me. Also, as a German, I'm offended about Bush's 
attitude towards us. Are we under his command or 
sumthin'? Heh, dare me, Bushman.

Conclusion - who's being immature here? You 
lecture me bringing up a) stuff that's totally 
out of place here, b) trying to analyse my mind, 
c) say I should not talk because I did one wrong 
or 5, etc. Last time I met this was, not counting 
this forum, 4 or 5 years ago with girls of my 
age, THUS immature...
Maybe we're even both being immature, but you are 
for sure.
I'm wondering whether you are 13 or a griper like 
the guy who complained to my highest of bosses 
cuz one hair o'mine touched a fish I sold him. No 
life. I'm not tying up my hair because of that 
and I'm not going to feel inferior to your smart 
talk either. Freedom of speech we call it.

Wondering whether I have a life typing this? 
Then, what about YOUR reply? Also, everybody has 
empty moments... so? I'm only waiting for my MP3s 
to download amusing myself over your thinking you 
cannot misinterprete my post... Everything can be 

Heh ;)

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