It just seemed like you were flaming fancel
painters, and I personally think it's hard enough
for fancel artists with "production" cel
collectors going at them , it just cheesed me off
to think a fancel artist was doing it to...
I'm sorry if I miss understood your post, but I
guess I just don't see what the big deal is.
Peeple just need to drop this subject all
I really see no point in starting posts like
these, it just pisses people off, and starts them
fighting with each other for no aparant reason,
well at least not a good one.
I have come across fancel artists who bitch about
other fancel artists and that just pisses me off
to no end, and I'm sorry if I misstook you for
one, when you're not.
This subject is getting tiresome, this post was
pointless to begin with. I ean c'mon it's
obvious the fancel up in question was painted
from a screen cap, there is more than one cel in
a sequence, and it's very obvious, atleast in my
opinion, that that fancel in particular does not
match up with the production sequence in
So why bother even starting this post. This post
is totally pointless and a waste of peoples
precious time..
so you've got the production cel, woohhoo for
you, big deal. Get Over It! They don't even match.
Oreo |