I may be mistaken here, but arent there some
obvious differences between the two images? I
notice the auction has ( the most obvious
difference to me ) a left hand wheras the cel
does not among other ( admittedly much smaller )
differences. So, perhaps it actually was done
from a screen cap or a slightly different frame?
Just trying to look at it from all possible
angles. I know when I had a fancel done or Spinel
Sun some time ago it had some pretty solid
differences from even CCS, the full character
being drawn including complete wings where it
wasn't intially for example.
Anyway, I know little about this sort of stuff.
Just noticed that and thought I'd point it out in
case its of any importance. I've only been
collecting for a short time so feel free to
ignore the above if its brimming with ignorance :)
Guardian Beast