why do you assume that all fan cel artists are
immoral scum? because it's not low for me to
complain about someone doing something that i
DON'T do. i certainly value other people's right
to their opinions, but you should explain
yourself if you're going to say something like
i don't trace my work, i don't copy people's
cels / dougas / gengas / scans, so how is
my "bitching" low? i don't mass produce cels
solely for profit, and the main reason that i
paint is to be creative and express myself.
while not all of my fan cels are originals, it
doesn't make me "low" to do commissions for
people of screen caps.
so i'd have to say that i'm offended by your
comment, and am in no means trying to start a
flame war or get you to hate me, nor do i hate
yo |