How can a fancel artist bitch about another
fancel artist?
That's just stooping to a new LOW!
Yes I agree that's it's disgusting to see the
same damn fancel painted over and over again,
like that damn Duo by Hyperenity, it got to a
point where I just didn't want to look at my art
book because I new that image was in there, and
Nissan with those god forsaken Weiss Kreuz eye
catches >.>
I don't mind fancels as a general rule and have a
few myself, but massproducing them is ridiculous
I must agree.
Screen cap fancels don't bother me though, and
most of he fancels that I bought are from screen
I don't know there's just something great about
finding a cheapy fancel from a super popular
scene that you know is on everybody's wishlist
and yet only one in a million people could
afford. And me not being one of them I'm more
than happy to pay 20 to 40 bucks for a fanmade
version :)
Hey look at it this way, not only do you have a
cel that way but your sanity as well >O.O<
Oreo |