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Re: Re: the concept of (Tue Jul 1 00:22:28 2003 )
Ari [View profile ]

yea right like I wanna get flammed THAT BAD

I guess I would be one of those people you hate  

I go I want this screen cap, and please don't 
change anything ^_^ 

I PERSONALLY don't have $500 to $5000 grand to 
shell out on a cel, nor do I want to, so if there 
is someone out there talented enough to make me a 
fancel of a dreamcel/screen cap for $30 then hell 
ya, I'm going to take them up on it.  Not only am 
I going to get a pretty sweet copy but I'm also 
gonna save up a shit load of money -HAHAHA

I know there are people who're like weeeell if 
you really want it bad enough then you're going 
to scrape the money together, YEA RIGHT!!! and 
will that be before or after I die? ---hehehe

I know some people collect only production cels 
and flame people who collect and/or make 
fancels.  But hey to each his own, I prefer 
fancels.  Not only because they are cheaper but 
becuase I eot to know the artist or in the very 
least I get to atleast talk to them.  Rather than 
get a production cel that was painted by god 
knows what cel painter.  It's much more 
personal.  Even if it's a screen cap I'm 
commissioning or buying.  Not to mention it's 
always fun to see each artists interpretation of 
a fancel and or fanart.

I'm got into collecting because of the artistic 
point of view, not because OH MY GOD!!! I MUST 
Pleeeeeeeeeease pay $1000 grand for a piece of 
acetate whose paint will chip off in a few years  
and you might as well be dead.

Fancels are Fancels and Production Cels are 
Production Cels, their is a market for both and 
their will always be one.

So to say lets kill of all of the fancel artists 
is a little obsured not to mention ridiculous.

Especially now that the shows are going to CG.

OOoooh I'm so going to get flamed for this post I 
can just feel it. 

-LOL, these posts are just getting to ridiculous


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