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Re: Question to all Collectors (Tue Jan 8 22:59:19 2002 )
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Perhaps a short explanation on why people watch 
these series, and thus enjoy them ^^ Also, note 
that the versions we see on TV are -not- in their 
original form. They are dited and 
essentially "dumbed down" for American audiences 
I cannot name how many homosexual references were 
edited out of CCS and Sailor Moon for showing in 
the US. My feeling is sort of "If it wasn't made 
for kids, why she we make it into a show for 
them?" But perhaps I think too much.

Card Captor Sakura (THIS is the original Japanese 
name): OK, it's cutesy. Really cutesy. But also, 
it has a very heart-warming story-line, which is 
in itself a bit confusing. Also, for the first 
arc, many of the Clow are not enemies as much as 
escaped cards...it's a lot harder to defeat an 
enemy when you cannot destroy them ^^ Sakura's 
world is full of the things a typical little 
girl's is..a crush on her older brother's best 
friend, a quirky best friend, a stuffed 
toy...that...talks. OK, so when she finds the 
Clow, it all spins out of control ^^;; Really, 
most of the show she spends trying to return to 
normalcy. Normally, nothing happens in this show 
without a reason...even Yukito's over-eating. 
Side note: one of my favorite things about this 
show is that Li, Sakura's friend, has a crush on 
both her and Yukito (her older brother's best 
friend...a guy ^^)...and he and Touya (Sakura's 
older brother, whom it is insuated also likes 
Yukito) constantly fight over a happy smiling 
Yukito ^^ There is also a large impact on her 
life due to the death of her mother. It's 
refreshing to see a single father in this light ^^

Sailor Moon: OK...it's stupid. Every episode has 
a new dumb villian, who manages to be even more 
annoying than the last. BUT...IF you ignore the 
stupidity of these things and look beyond, Sailor 
Moon often has a very dark theme under everything 
that moves the series along. A HUGE theme in this 
series is death. It's everywhere you looks...the 
senshi die more than once. Hell, there's even a 
senshi for death. The villians are dark and 
twisted, though the gay ones are usually changed 
to women in ths US (Zoicite and Fish Eye, to name 
a few). Metallia, Beryl, Diamond (or Demando), 
Nehellania, Galaxia...they're all enthralling 
villians, with interesting pasts, and are 
intensely strong...these are WOMEN (saving 
Daimond...but he was a bit of a pussy ;p) strong 
enough to take over the world. Then there are 
characters like the Amazon Trio, who just make 
this show worth it. The fact that a man dressed 
in pink drag with a fetish for old women could 
make a more than formidable villian is 

(more text in next message)

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