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Darn, too bad I missed the boat on this thread... (Thu Jul 25 04:12:22 2002 )
Baakay (nli) [View profile ]

I actually wanted that particular cel so bad I 
could taste it, but specifically backed off 
because a) I already have a pile of Zel cels and 
b) you're a nice person :)

I feel like I should go self-flagellate, though, 
because I'm one of those baaaad people who 
sometimes throws a bid up on a cel halfway 
through the auction (or in at least one memorable 
case, AT THE SAME INSTANT as some fellow 
collector... *winks at the party in question*) to 
see if it'll fly, and it's my max bid, and nope, 
the original bidder's max goes up by one dollar.  
I didn't do it on purpose, and if I really wanted 
the cel desperately, the bid would be much 
higher.  Certainly wasn't doing it to "irritate 
the bidder" or to play around.

I think it's a little harsh to judge people's 
motives when they're on the other end of a 
computer and you really don't know squat about 

Crawling back into my headphones, I remain you 
all's, sincerely :)

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