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Re: Deep Pockets? PLEASE READ (Wed Jul 24 04:40:09 2002 )
kylaria77 nli [View profile ]

Your response just goes back to the utter fact of 
online communication: people only know about you 
what they read or see. When people see you (the 
royal you, not you specifially) spending huge 
lumps of $$ on cels and a great collection - they 
don't think "gee, they must save up or have a 
great job", they think "wow, how greedy can they 
be". No one knows that you have a crappy job, ten 
kids, or in college, etc etc. Sure people 
shouldn't make assumptions, but we all do it -
some more often and more erroneously than others.

As I said before, to you it may not seem that you 
are on eBay very often, but if there's a nice 
Slayers cel up there, and you're not selling it - 
9.5 times out of 10 you have a bid on it. So 
regardless of how much you have to save, etc etc -
 people unfamiliar with you as a person and your 
personal circumstances will see you as a greedy 
cel addict with lots of money to spend on cels. 
It may not be true, but that's what some people 
will think.

I think you're nifty, have great cels, and am 
happy that you can save to afford them. You think 
they're worth it, and at the end of the day, 
that's what's important.

Happy cel collecting!


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