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Re: This isn't like me, but ever feel like...? (Tue Jul 23 02:20:30 2002 )
Cres [View profile ]

Sometimes, it's kind of like easing into a cold 
swimming pool... a little bit at a time because 
you're too nervous about jumping in no-holds-
barred. :o) I can convince myself something's 
worth $5 more... no, that didn't work... okay, 
another $5 isn't going to hurt... and so on. Or 
sometimes, you see something you like, but you 
don't like it enough to slap down a honkin' big 
bid, and you're not *quite* sure of how far the 
other person is willing to go.

For the most part, I like to stake my claim with 
a bid, and go back close to the end and back it 
up more seriously if I still like the cel. Don't 
usually do what you're describing, but when I do, 
it's usually out of timidity. :o)


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