I personally discourage the marketing of fancels
because I am interested in protecting the rights
of the original creators and studios, if that
makes any sense. After schooling and training in
the Western Animation field, you learn a great
respect for the creators-
and it goes all the way to the top- you learn to
respect the original wishes of the
creators/writers/manga artists of the original
characters ( that's why I so heavily disagree
with marketing hentai about characters who, by
wishes of the original creator, were never meant
to be in hentai situations together ) but that's
another story and another personal belief I'll
most likely get flamed for ^_^x
Anywise, I do believe it makes it harder for
someone to sell a cel if fancels are being made
of it and are floating around as well. Because
the general idea of lots of people will
be, "That's expensive! Why pay that much when I
can just get a fancel made." So I can see how
that would make it harder for dealers and
collectors to sell certain cels ( not in ALL
fancel cases mind you, but quite enough, IMHO )
for what they are truely worth. Also, fancels,
as they get "handed down" tend to create
problems, as I have seen many a heartbreak among
friends who have mistakingly shelled out hundreds
and hundreds of dollars for a fan cel, thinking
it was original, for there was no mention of it
being a fan cel in the item description of
auctions and the like.
Fan cels won't ever be 100% legit, and I don't
like them, personally. So many of them seem to
be half-assed these days just to turn a profit on
a currently popular and/or trendy show. However,
I have to applaud those who make fan cels based
on their OWN poses and own ideas/situations,
instead of just another screencap or original cel
rip. I think fan cels are fun when created on
your own and distributed among friends, but when
you are blowing up screencaps and images you find
in other people's galleries, tracing them, and
then slapping them on ebay in sole interest of
making money and *not* with providing someone
with a much-wanted image, then it's wrong. In my
book anyway ^_^x. Hope I haven't stepped on any
toes. |