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Re: Re: I feel like a good flame...bring it on! (Fri Mar 7 19:03:57 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, I do know some people who dont want to pay 
large sums would rather have a fancel.  There 
was a Nuriko cel up some time ago that was just 
like one or three I have.  They tend to go for 
fair amts for fancels.  I really dont see how 
that would affect the sale of my original 
though.  The same image, being the real cel, 
would surely go for the same amt.  I can 
understand about the forgery deal, but Forky 
clearly states that these cels are fan done.  If 
they were selling as real cels, I can see where 
people would be angry, but they're not.  I guess 
it's just a matter of personal view.  I just 
dont get it :\

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