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Re: Disney... (Sat Mar 8 06:40:51 2003 )
mouse [View profile ]
SBass87708@aol.com; shawnna.bass@mm-games.com

Haha, I just found this paragraph absolutely 

"Learn the rules.  Play by the rules.  And one 
day...heh...You may be the one making the rules."

Ohhhh, oh no, I've broken the sacred code of 
Anime Cel Ethics by expressing a different view 
than the majority!  Now I'll never get to sit 
among the popular people at the lunch table!  
AHHH!  The shame!  How will I ever face my 
family again, or tell my children of the horrors 
I have committed!??   

-sigh-  What was that post awhile back that Eric 
wrote, about the silliness of all these "inlaid 
bounds".  He thought it was silly if I recall, 
and I must say I agree.  If you all feel this 
strongly about your "laws", I think someone 
should go on and make a Cel Collectors Bible 
site..or something, so people will know right 
off hand that they cant express their views or 
artistic freedom without getting shunned.  
Sometimes this community, and this is just my 
view, takes things WAY too seriously.  Cels are 
a hobby, not a way of life.  You're not 
lawyers...you're hobby enthusiasts.  Anyways, I 
just found those lines hysterical....  Im sure 
Im totally unpopular among the vast right now, 
but I honestly dont care, wouldnt be the first 
or last time.  I have a few friends who collect 
and paint fancels...and I love their work.  Its 
a shame they have to hide in the dark because 
they are comitting a "cel crime"...  |;-{  Time 
for bed for me..I honestly wont revisit this 
thread again. I wasnt going to tonight...but I 
HAD to comment one last time, your lines just 
brought me to comical tears XD~~~

PS:  BTW, I may sound really harsh in these 
emails.  Im not hateful towards anyone, trust 
me.  Burn all the fancels you like, Im not going 
to hate you for it.  I just feel I need to stand 
up for a few people.  Everyone has different 
views, I can accept that, so I hope everone here 
can do me the same respect ~_~ Fancels will 
never end...so, why go through so much energy to 
condemn them?  ::shrugg::

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