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I feel like a good flame...bring it on! (Fri Mar 7 16:57:52 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

You know...correct me if Im wrong, but...doesnt 
it not matter if you own the cel?  I mean, you 
dont own the image, the studio owns the image 
and all copyright to the image.  You own the 
cel, but not the image, does that make sense?  I 
mean, I am just dumbfounded at the big kaibosh 
people make about fancels here.  I actually have 
no problem with people making fancels of my 
stuff.  Im secure enough in the fact that I own 
the stupid thing, why should I have to be 
paranoid and snap at everyone else who wants to 
enjoy it too?  I have no right to complain.  
Just because I paid 500$ for something doesnt 
mean I have any more rights to that image than 
anyone else. It simply means I was willing to 
pay that..whereas someone else would think 
that's ridiculous. The image is seen on the 
actual anime a thousand times a day, by a 
million and a half people.  Just because I own 
the cel the image is painted on, doesnt mean I 
have the right to go telling others they cant do 
stuff with that image.  This is just me though.  
I get SO tired of these Forkys bashing 
threads...I really think most of you dont have a 
leg to stand on, you just NEED a villain.  You 
do not own the copyright to the images your cels 
depict.  You only own the cel it's painted on.  
You dont see the studios contacting these fancel 
artists do you?  No.  Im going to get seriously 
flamed for this, I can feel it coming, but I 
dont care.  I just get sick of it, I've kept my 
mouth shut for a long time.  But, why not go 
ahead and eat my foot :\.  You can buy prints of 
the Mona Lisa on a school folder for God's 
sake.  Do you think the Louvre is mad about 
that?  No.  You can buy Rembrandt prints too, 
but is the owner of the original having a fit?  
No.  ::shrugg::  I think guys spend way too much 
energy monitoring this Forky person...  I think 
most of their fancels are damned good, it takes 
a lot of time and effort to do this.  YOU own 
the original, they clearly state these cels are 
fan made....what's the deal???  ::slaps forehead 
like the dumb blonde I can pretend to be::

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