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Re: Hmmm (Fri Mar 7 19:11:37 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, that's a little different.  That's MY 
artwork..not some studio's artwork that I 
bought.  On some of my pics I used characters in 
anime and games, but I NEVER copy images 
directly, nor do I ever claim the art is 
production art.  I always use original poses, 
layout, etc.  I make sure to change things up to 
add my own personal style to it.  So, yes, if 
someone took MY original created artwork and put 
their name on it Id be pissed.  But...  If I 
bought a poster at Akon or something, put the 
image on my site, and then saw a fanart or 
fancel of that poster somewhere, I wouldnt give 
a flying one.  There's a difference in your own 
personal creations..and an anime cel, really.  
Think about it, its a bit arrogant to think of 
your production cels as your own personal 
artwork...because it's not..you didnt make 
it...you just paid for it.  I love my cels, but 
I did not draw them...  I know fair and well 
that I had nothing to do with that image's 
creations..therefor why should I snap at people 
for making fanart of it when that image/chara 
doesnt belong to me.  I see a hard division 
between stealing someone's personal, created 
artwork, and making fancels from screencaps or 
other peoples cels.  I can tell you now, the 
college student who painted your cel in Japan 
probably couldnt care less....  Just my OP tho, 
dont take it personally.

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