Just my thoughts...
Cels generally are released into the open market
by the companies themselves. The companies who
own the rights to the series, image, etc.
You buy one of said cels the company has
released. You now own your own cel. The company
will hold onto the copyright for however long
stated by the law, etc.
Just like in every day life. You go to Target,
or a shopping mall, and buy something a company
made, and use it for everyday use. The company
holds the rights to this object, patent,
whatever. BUT, you are permitted to use it in
any way befitting of you practical to what the
object is intended for.
OK, now you're tired of said object, and think
someone else would be happier with it, or just
need some cash. You have a "Garage Sale". You
sell the item to a customer who in turn takes it
home and uses it according ot what it's purpose
Sort of sounds like cel collecting, eh?
Now...Here's where it gets interesting.
The original company who produced this good,
holds the copyright, patent, whatever. Just as
long as you don't market said object, or IMAGE as
with a cel...You are free to use it in any way
beffiting to the object. Even to sell said
object, unless strictly stated by the company.
You make a fancel of an original cel, you are
marketing a copyrighted image for your own
profit. Which...I believe...Is in direct
violation of a copyright law.
So...There are many aspects to this arguement,
and you know what? It's not going to get solved
unless you get the actual company rep to comment
on it, as well as their legal team.
In my views...You better be watching your back
when it comes to the actual companies coming
after ya'...Which...Heh...A lot of these people
know rarely catch up to them...Which is why you
keep seeing low-class fancel artists putting up a
ton of crap on E-bay. Companies rarely go after
the small fry...
I don't see how these guys make a profit? The
supplies has got to cost them more than what they
actually sell^^'!
It all comes down to $$$ in the end. And it
really doesn't matter how much you scream your
hatred at them...They won't stop doing
business...Unless...You get money
involved...Through legal fees...Notices...etc ^^'!
Gee...It's ALWAYS about $$$ isn't it? YES. Yes
it is.
I all in all support Fan Cel artists'. I
couldn't care less if they reproduced a cel in my
gallery...But you know what?
I am going to be mighty pissed if someone takes a
cel image from my gallery and tries selling it
without my permission. I for one will guarantee
to make his/her life a living hell.
Be polite. ASK. How hard is it to shoot off a
god damned e-mail asking permission. And, if you
get turned down...Go find a screen cap of the
image and modify it to look like a cel...Go find
an artbook image of it on the net...Or...Just
simply move on in life. Sleep on it...You'll
feel differently about this "TRAGEDY" in the
morning. And...Even if you got turned down the
first time...Doesn't mean another polite e-mail
might not get you your wish....;P!
Cel Collectors know what's going on in the
community. they know when a fancel is their
cel. We know when it's been copied. But, when
in doubt...Ask the whole community. We all have
this "Cel Sense". You know what I'm ranting
about guys ;P!
But...In the end..."LOW CLASS" fancel artists are
a turd in my book. It's they way things work in
the community here. ASKING PERMISSION WILL GET
And to those fancel artist who keep themselves in
the Upper Class...Keep the good work coming!
PS~IF anybody brings up an arguement about the
Umetsu fancels the lovely Gwen made for
me...Refer to the above....Mass marketing the
image without comapnies/creators
permission...etc. Remember that. Also, I talked
to Umetsu...He loved your work Gwen ;P! |