Cels Forum

Re: who me?? :) (Sat May 13 13:30:03 2000 )

hadn't really though to join this one, but since Marcus has
already given me a great point from which to jump in .. :)

For those who don't know, despite my nick I am indeed 
female, 26, and of questionable nationality. I tend to 
end up on different continents every few years .. :)
Was an animation student, now in Archaeology, and probably
going to work next year and break this 'eternal student' 
cycle :)

I've always loved anime, even when I didn't know the 
shows I watched were Japanese (eg gatchaman, last unicorn,

the concept of having a cel from an anime never occured to
me until I found Nichibei's site some three years ago, and
its been a slippery slide ever since. And along the way I 
dragged people like Marcus along with me, LOL ... 

I only collect a few cels now, mostly very rare Escaflowne
if I can find them, nice Trigun, gatchaman or cels from a few
American productions like LOTR (recent site update for examples).
 I'm also one of those Rankin/Bass fans who'd love to 
add to their Last Unicorn/Flight of Dragons collections :)
Not that I actually HAVE a cel from Flight of Dragons ... 
I sold my Melissand and have started to regret it :/

speaking of sales, 3 days left on my auctions :p
had to slip that in somewhere.

enough from me!

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