Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Who Are YOU? (Fri May 12 17:25:29 2000 )
Karen Stevens

No kidding on the theme song thing,

I've got the German, English, and Japanese (both) versions
of the Sailormoon intro memorized completely, and still
remember most of the french one (that intro scares me).
I used to know a couple other versions, but have forgotten
them. I once was on a multi-language intro hunt, and burned
them all to a CD I've gotten somewhere.

I've also gotten *most* of the released Slayers songs
memorized (not just the ones in the actual shows), and
a whole bunch from a variety of other anime. What's funny
is that I understand just a little bit more of the
Japanese every time I listen to them ;)

Karen - who wishes Japanese wasn't cancelled at her college
        the year she started there =(

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