Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Who Are YOU? (Sat May 13 00:00:01 2000 )

I've seen cels from the opening, and the artwork does look plain. My cel is of Tiara
with her hair down. ^_^ I already like Tiara, Sara, and Japoro without even seeing it
 yet. :) 

I haven't seen any Japoro cels either... I'll let you know if I come across
one. If you really want one though, I suggest making a request to a dealer. The kind
people I got my Tiara cel from (Anime Wonderland) takes requests. They're pretty good
about finding them too. 

I have read on a lot of web pages that the story was confusing, but overall very good.
(I accidently read a spoiler the other day...  >_< Wish I hadn't done that...) 

By the way, if you get a gallery up, email me the URL. I'd love to see your SP and SM
cels! I've been eyeing a few Tiara cels myself.. But now they're on hold. :( Just a 
question, but is it rare for SP cels to come with the original background? I've seen
many with no background and a few with laser copied ones. 


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