Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Who Are YOU? (Sat May 13 07:04:22 2000 )

Well, the job market is crazy now, if not full of the best
jobs. ^_^  That makes it possible for the oh-so-poor
student to collect cels. 

It seems I’m one of the youngest here... I’m a 15 year old
(turning 16 jan. next year! ;_;) still sophomore in _high_
school student, (I feel like such a child on this forum!)
=_= Inji is a word with a meaning that pertains to my 
traits, having to do with art and … I forgot. Hence the 
nick. My only lifelines to buying cels is saving my lunch
money and starving myself as well as my low paying almost 
minimum wage job working with tofu! ^_~ go TOFU! I can 
splurge my entire paycheck on cels since, of course, I’m 
still living with my parents. I live in the Bay Area, so I 
will be attending Anime Expo 2000, of which saving up for 
is an even bigger strain on my budget! ;_;

	I discovered anime since 1993 on a visit to some
Asian countries,and drawing as a hobby since I was a little
kid, I really liked the art style in general. My favorite 
series’ are mostly CLAMP. I adore them for such wonderful 
series such as CCS, X and MKR. CCS is my favorite anime, 
but my FAVORITE bishounen are Lantis and Eagle from 
Rayearth, OAV as well as TV. ::hugs Lantis and Eagle UFO 
dollies:: I’m “running” the local Lantis shrine (not doing 
quite a good job  though). I only collect cels of those two
characters because of my budget! But then, ANY Clamp guy 
looks really good, and it seems many, many people who check
this forum agree with me, as it is IMPOSSIBLE TO GET EAGLE 
CELS!  ::tugs hair in frustration:: Yes, being attracted by
 wonderful broad shouldered bishounen, naturally, I am a 

I’ve been cel hunting since 1998 drooling at all those 
lovely CLAMP Lantis and Eagle cels, but I’ve never really
 bought one until early January this year! Ohhh the 
excitement! I got my first cel from Marcus on Ebay, of 
Eagle Vision from episode 29. ^_^ Thank you thank you thank you...
 Collecting  first started out as “I just want ONE but 
everyone’s so much crazier than I am!” and eventually… of 
course, nobody can stop… It’s an addiction… ^_^

Future dreams include becoming a graphic designer or 
animator, NOT an unrealistic dream especially when UCLA is
right down south! =)

I’ve got a question, if anyone notices this post… how does 
scanning your cels damage it? And if the cel and sketch get 
stuck during shipping, doesn’t freezing it damage it? 
Someone on the forum was doing an experiment with freezing 
cels, and I didn’t quite remember the result…

Wow, long post. O_O

Good luck to EVERYONE in finding that “perfect cel”, if 
they don’t change for each of us every month! ^_~ hopefully


with my fav. cel, let's hope this works. 

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