Cels Forum

Re: Who Are YOU? (Fri May 12 23:42:25 2000 )

I'm Valerie Page Mitchell.
I’m 16 and I'll be 17 on June 11th. I have been collecting 
for about a year and a four months now. I go to Antioch High
School in Antioch TN, but I would like to mention that my 
freshman year I DID attend Hume-Fogg Academic High School 
(it's something like the 10th best school in the nation for 
scholarship recepients, but I don't like to be overloaded 
with anything, so I dropped out) in Nashville, TN, where I 
live. My favorite shows are Lupin III (btw, Kenohki, if you like 
Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, I STRONGLY advise you watch this anime. 
It's a classic anime that strongly influenced both of those shows.)
I also like the original Dragonball, Card Captor Sakura, Utena, 
and I just got into Gundam Wing. I like many other anime as well.
I chose the screenname valerie because that is my name, and I like
to boast about snatching it up on tripod three years ago before 
anyone else named Valerie could get to it. I collect cels of 
mostly obscure and old anime like Lupin and good looking guys. 
I think that the scene a cel is from is much more important than
the size or quality of that cel (it's artwork, so it should have 
expression). I like rare stuff a lot, so I'll go for the outfit
the character wore only once in the series and stuff such as that.
My favorite cel is the one of Lupin and Jigen from episode 155 of 
the second series. :P I'm expecting a cel of Naru and Umino from 
Sailormoon and Yukito from Card Captor Sakura soon.


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