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ALL READ REMI's POST ABOVE (Thu Dec 23 14:41:15 2004 )
Pomidor [View profile ]

"'Nuff said" dosent really cut it. Not only do 
you try to make Mandarake look bad and slander 
people who were only trying to help, you are too 
pig-headed to appologise and explain the 
situation truthfully.

Although I do sympathise with your friend, as I 
do know that in a moment of over-zealousy we can 
bid up to high without checking the auction out 
first, but I dont think it merits lying about the 
real ending price of the auction (I too have 
found the RS post and later the actual auction 
thread and like Remi simply didnt want to post) 
and then having an obnoxious friend flame 
everyone that only tired to help.

I must say that Im glad that your friend was able 
to sort things out with Mandarake. Im also glad 
to hear that you will not be coming back to post 
here, and in the end I can only say that I am 
sorry for your friend becuase your actions will 
for a long time also relate to her and how people 
percieve her... especially now since everyone 
knows her RS Gallery.


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