Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: P.S. On the original topic (Thu Dec 23 10:52:24 2004
Finally.. [View profile
Isn't it soo easy...To come here....yell at
everyone tring yo help, than cry like a little
baby, and make everyone fell like
crap....Really...it was your fault for not knowing
what the heck you bid on. It's not our fault that
you are ingnorant..
You make Mandrake look bad, when they are good..
..Please don't come here if you are going to
spread empty rumors...This forums is for friendly
cel collectors....not for peaople who make up
rumors....TRY THANKING everyone for triyng to help...
Please go to the store and buy some manners along
with your friend....I think the people here are
TOO friendly to tell you how you really are.....
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