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Gomen, please excuse for asking a side-question not related to the OP issue (Thu Dec 23 05:40:12 2004 )
chipn nli [View profile ]

I've been watching this thread, and it made me 
think of a question.

I've never bought anything from Mandarake (over 
quite a few years), because either

1. It was over-priced, or

2. In the auctions, I was outbid by people who 
were even crazier than I am.

These were always economic decisions.  However, 
this whole thread makes me wonder something.

Should I just cross Mandarake off my list of 
dealers to watch?

Have they exhibited a pattern of (intentionally 
or not, maybe just unintentionally, maybe not) 
delivering "surprises" of the wrong kind to 
English-speaking buyers?

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