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Help With Mandarake PLEASE, I got copies!!! (Tue Dec 21 18:55:05 2004 )
Tiffy [View profile ]


I don't mean to be ignorant but it was my first 
time bidding with them and I won an auction for 
a lot of genga and douga.

I just finally got the package and the auction 
said nothign about being copies or anything.

The stuff I got is just scans of real douga and 
genga! Like....O_O I paid  A LOT of money and 
maybe I'm just stupid for not emailing to be 
like is this real genga or douga but I figured 
nobody would sell copies of it.

They are all WORTHLESS to me. Is this a common 
thing? Was I just stupid? And what can I do 
about it?

Should I email them or go through my Crdit Card 
company and Paypal?

I'm sorry for being so GRR but I didn't spend 
like hundreds of dolars for some crappy SCANS.

Thanks for ANYYYYYYY help. I soooo appreciate it 
sooo much!

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