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P.S. On the original topic (Thu Dec 23 05:51:22 2004 )
chipn nli [View profile ]

I have not been able to figure out, reading 
thgrough this thread so far, whether what was 
bought was settai or sketches.  It makes a big 

As far as sketches go, they should be original.  
I've never even SEEN a non-original sketch.

On the other hand, Settai are the converse.  I 
own a lot of Settai, and I've never even SEEN a 
hand-drawn Settai.  All are copies, given to one 
of the original animators to work from.

A photocopy of Settai is pretty much what anyone 
should expect, never hand-drawn.

It should be a photocopy on the non-US A4-sized 
paper, though.  An 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 14 (i.e. US 
sized) Settai would be pretty suspicious.

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