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Re: Where will it end? (Wed Jul 3 05:19:21 2002 )
glimmer77 nli [View profile ]

The price on that Nuriko cel on Animegame is 
quite high, but in all honesty, if it had gone up 
for sale several months ago, I'm sure it would 
have sold quicky (just remember how crazy we all 
went over Leigh's sale).  I know that I'd be 
seriously debating over it if I didn't already 
own a couple of cels from that scene.  It's very 
true that FY prices have come down dramatically 
recently and hopefully dealers will pick up on 
that trend, but FY cels of that quality are very 
hard to come by these days.  Most dealers just 
can't find them anymore, so high prices are to be 
expected on those.  I can't say how high TOO high 
is, but I've paid more than Animegame's price on 
a couple of items in my collection (none of which 
were for Nuriko cels, and Nuriko is my favorite 
anime character).    

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