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Holy cow that's a fine cel!!!! (Wed Jul 3 00:31:19 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

Yes...I can see a big RK fan paying that price 
without so much as a blink.  It's the same for 
that Nuriko on Agame.  While yes, its a ludicrous 
price for most, (even for a fan) someone out 
there will pay it for a cel of that calibur. I 
also know for a fact that the Nuriko is from 
Agame's private collection...so I dont think 
they'd mind if it took awhile to sell.  People 
will sometimes put prices on their cels like that 
if they dont really want to sell quickly.

Ohhh, I think that's the finest Kenshin I have 
ever seeeeeeen! *_*

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