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What it boils down to... (Tue Jul 2 23:40:26 2002 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

I think it all comes down to the fact that 
AnimeGame can GET $1360 for a Nuriko, or a Goku, 
or a Touya. While prices on many of their cels 
are indeed fair, it is only the occasional $1300 
seller that garners a post like this. I am not 
saying that aion is wrong in saying that the 
prices was a little extreme. However, I think 
there is a bit of jealousy in all of us that if 
we decided to sell a similar cel for that prices, 
it would not go as easy. Personally, I don't get 
jealous of the collector who shells out $1360 for 
a cel. I am more envious of the SOB who gets a 
Harry MacDougal cel for $30! I agree with mouse 
in that there will always be someone out there 
willing to dole out the big bucks for a cel of 
that caliber. Obviously, it is a popular series 
and certain scenes are very sought after. 
However, I just can't see spending over $1000 on 
any cel right now, or in the near future for that 
matter. But, to each his/her own.

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