See, though. . . Improving things doesn't mean
going on a buying freeze until the cels are $20
each. It's not going to happen. (Yes, Ryouko - I
wish they were worthless too. I'm not a big
Fushigi Yuugi fan but I love the art and it
wasn't ALL angst. ^_~) I do think teaming up with
other collectors works!! I'm not saying it would
be easy - you'd all have to work to allow each
other "equal" stuff and be honest with each other
(and yourself!!) about what you really want from
the show. . . Meaning you can't say "I HAVE TO
HAVE IT!!" to everything. ^_^;; (Not saying that
you(mouse) do, that's just a kidding example. ^_^)
But it also means that you work to overcome the
need for instant gratification. The need to bend
to the idea of: I have the money, I want it, so
I'll buy it. PATIENCE has saved me a *lot* of
money on more than one occasion. ^_~~~
> If people see something they want, they're going
> to go for it.
Not always true. I could point out at *least* 10
or 15 cels on various dealers sites that I would
love to have - some of which I even *almost*
ordered at the price they're at now - but haven't
bought. Most are nowhere near out of my price
range and if I wanted to go on a little splurge,
I could probably pick up five of them without any
real financial pain. So why haven't I bought
them? For the same reason NO ONE else has. They're
all overpriced. Maybe I'll buy them sometime, but
most likely only after talking the price down -
or during a sale (if there is one). I'm holding
back since if I jump at cel XYZ just because I
want it and have the money, people will take
note. The next cel XYZ to come along will be
equally as expensive if not more so because the
other one sold for that. So then if I want the
next cel XYZ, I'm looking at cutting into my
budget for other cels. But if a dealer has to talk
their price down $50-$100 or more to make a cel
move, they're NOT going to quickly price another
one that high.
And take YuYu cels for example. . . I'm a big fan
of the series - did I shell out for them during
the fad? Hell no. The fad will pass (already is
starting to) and some people who bought those
cels will be looking to sell. I've gotten more
than a handful of my cels for *less* after giving
up during fad-driven auctions and rebuying them
later when the owner, post-fad, can't sell them
at the high "fad price".
> BTW...I hear from sources that Animegame has to
> pay pretty highly to even get these cels.
> Perhaps they paid this much for it?
I don't doubt dealers pay a LOT for some of the
high end cels they put up on their sites - I've
never doubted that. However!! A dealer is not
going to buy a cel for an amount more than
they're sure they can sell it for plus a markup
for themselves. (That would be a foolish and/or
dangerous business move.) Having *lots* of money
invested in stock that doesn't move - or doesn't
move well - isn't productive to keeping your
business alive. Given that, I'm going to guess
there's a pretty high markup on the cel, which
(from the dealer's POV) is a good idea for
something high end - after all, they're taking a
financial risk that it won't sell! Besides,
Animegame seems to have taken the business angle
of moving *less* stock for a higher markup, as
opposed to other dealers who choose to move
*more* stock for a lower markup. Both are valid
ways to do business, but the latter is naturally
going to be better liked by buyers.
Yes, dealers sometimes have a high cost to aquire
certain cels. But if all the cels' prices are
really that high because that is (or is almost)
what they paid for it. . . Then they need better
(ie cheaper) sources for cels to sell - because
these ones aren't selling above their aquisition
The simple fact is most cels aren't worth that
much to anyone, no matter how nice the condition.
And even if some of them might have a personal
value that high to someone, there are few people
who can shell out that kind of money - or *would*
even if they could. (No matter what anyone says,
I *know* there have to be more people out there
like me who will pass up an overpriced cel on
principal alone.) If only the people who *can*
and would shell out that kind of money would
together - as a team! - start to excercise more
self-imposed limits. . . I think that would make
a *LOT* of difference on cel prices.
(And before anyone flames me. . . Do I blame
someone for breaking the bank to get a wishlist
cel? NO! ^_^ Watch me do it myself when one of
mine shows up! ^_~ But if *EVERY* cel to come
down the line is a "wishlist" cel worthy of
breaking the bank yet again. . . You need to
reevaluate your idea of wishlist.)
Many Sharp Smiles,
BTW, mouse:
> And by saying a real fan wouldnt really mind
> paying the price, this wasnt meant to exclude
> people, or put myself on some sort of pedestal.
I think people aren't used to your definition
of "a real fan will pay that". . . That's usually
used to mean: "if you don't or can't pay that
then you're NOT a real fan", which is a snotty
attitude. As opposed to what YOU mean, which is
more: "to a real fan, the cel might be worth that
much when it isn't to someone who isn't a fan".
Your definition of it makes more sense and I like
it a hell of a lot better than the former. ^_^