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Part of the problem eh? I beg to differ..... (Tue Jul 2 22:03:14 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

Well, I didnt say the cel was -well- priced, but 
for the rarity and conditon of the cel, I think 
it's not really ludicrous.  This was a key scene 
in the series.  Did you see the cel of Nuriko 
from this episode on Ebay a few months ago?  It 
went for 1500$...and I didnt bid on it at all! My 
limit on any cel is pretty much 1000$ flat.  To 
pay more, the cel'd have to be a REAL dreamcel, I 
mean something Id absolutely die without. And by 
saying a real fan wouldnt really mind paying the 
price, this wasnt meant to exclude people, or put 
myself on some sort of pedestal.  I mean....case 
in point...the ANC cel on Nick's site yesterday.  
It was 400$...to me that's an insane price to pay 
for such a cel (no offense to Nick 
btw)...but...to a FAN, that cel is priceless.  Im 
just not a big ANC lover.  Just as some of you 
think that Nuriko is overpriced junk, I think 
it's an amazing cel, but Im a big collector of 
this character, so my views are different that 
most of yours.  Nuriko is high priced, even 
without me.  I have seen many a cel of him go 
over the 500$ mark and I didnt even touch the 
things ~_~. I've seen a couple on YJ go for 
pretty high as well, and I havent bid on a cel of 
him there in over half a year.  The value of a 
cel is really dependant on the people who want 
the cels.  I can look at an A1 key end cel of 
Faye or Spike, or VHDBL that's 1200$ and 
think "GOD, horrid price, people are nuts!"  But, 
if I see the same price on something like that 
Nuriko, to me it's okay.  It's my opinion, and 
he's my favorite character.  Im not condoning the 
price at all...in fact, I cannot afford it.  The 
one I have similar, I paid a close amt for, but 
that was a one time thing, and I sold the better 
half of my collection to get it.  I dont just go 
around throwing a grand here and there.  No one 
can afford to do that, I dont care how much money 
you make.

It's odd....everytime an FY cel goes for this 
much, people raise cain...but AMG and CB and a 
few other shows go for this amt all the time...no 
one seems to mind that.  And I dont think those 
cels are anything special.  It all depends on 
what you like.  I have a friend who loves VHDBL, 
and pays highly for those cels...but they make 
her happy, and that's what counts ~_~.    

PS:  BTW...I hear from sources that Animegame has 
to pay pretty highly to even get these cels.  
Perhaps they paid this much for it?  We'll never 
know ~_~ Im sure Nuriko will remain on their site 
for a long time ;_;

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