Oh good, finally someone who's not taking me 100%
seriously today! :sweat bead: It amazes me how
literally people take things I say. Im an idiot,
3/4th's of the time I dont my arse from a hole in
the wall. People are here attacking me left and
right, and I havent bought a Nuriko cel for over
300$ in forever. (hudles under fire retardant
cloak) Hey Ryouko...if ANC keeps up the way it's
going, maybe FY cels will be free soon! (sits on
top of mountain of Nuriko cels cackling loudly as
I look over at Ryouko on her mountain of Boshi
cels, cackling just as loudly) Dang, you wanna
talk high priced...there's a few more charas in
FY that make Nuri look cheap.. Like Hotohori and
Boshis. $$$$$_$$$$$ |