Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
I can understand your frustration, but.... (Sun Aug 4 00:14:32 2002
Misha [View profile
...I do have to point out you just paid a
ludicrous amount of money (around the ballpark of
$500, wasn't it?) for an FY chibi cel from
Animegame, so if you're going to point fingers
about price gouging, start with yourself (think
about it...why did that cel sit for long?). It's
a cute cel, but I wouldn't pay that much.
However, this doesn't mean that it wasn't worth
it; it means that you were willing to pay more
than me, which is exactly the point most people
here are trying to make.
As for Tasuki...I think the reason for cheapness
of Tasuki cels is because the majority of them
out there are from that blasphemy of an OAV. I,
and many others, hate hate HATE that purple
outfit with a vengeance that devours our souls
(or at least mine ;p). Common opinion on the OAV
is displeasure, and so generally cels from it
don't go very fast, unless they are of a high
quality. Tasuki plays a large part of the second
OAV, in all his manipulated ungliness (I'm sorry,
but I hate the "transformed/possesed" eye color;
it clashes, blah; talk about the color palette
from hell), and so cels of him float around for
cheap. Nuriko OAV cels aren't as numerous, as he
plays a much smaller role.
Now, as for TV cels; well, Tasuki is in another
19 episodes; this makes availability increase a -
lot-. I myself am still searching for the perfect
Tasuki TV cel, as they seem to be getting less
and less numerous, but he still is in less demand
than Nuriko.
Of course, at times even worse than Nuriko is
-Misha |
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