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Re: Ok, time for a lesson. (Sun Aug 4 18:19:26 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

These were all good points.  People love to point 
out America's horrid mistakes, but never their 
positive accomplishments...9_9

And Shura, about you being evil.  I dont think 
anyone does the sign of the cross while they read 
your emails, but...having been banned from so 
many places, and actually speaking with some 
people who have, this makes me beleive that your 
personality is in fact offensive.  And I can tell 
you one very true thing...cussing like you do 
will get you absolutely nowhere. Coming from a 
girl it sounds even worse.  You need to learn to 
express your thoughts in a more constructive 
way.  Im by far not the most mature or articulate 
person in the world, but when Im angry at 
someone...I dont go post a list with their name 
on it saying they should be f**ked and killed.  
YOU need to grow up. You were banned from here 
for a reason..think about it. 

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